Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Photos Bolt Family

November Newsletter

Extreme Emotions
November 25, 2007

It has been such a joy working with Bring Me Hope; however, the reality that this ministry is an emotional roller coaster has fully set in. Earlier this week, I talked with my friend who, through a broken voice, said, “She had the abortion.... I followed her there in a taxi, and I tried to intervene….” I cried with my friend, I prayed for the empty and broken Chinese mother, I ached for the life lost.

The lovely part is BMH is not an all “downer” job. Becca, my sister, just walked in the house saying, “Guess what? ---- (a good friend of ours) just became a Christian.” The agony of abortion and the absolute joy of salvation marked the two extreme emotions for this week.

Over the past few months, BMH’s focus has been fundraising. In October, we spoke at different churches, Bible studies, and meetings in the San Diego area. In November, the BMH team went to NJ for a similar tour there. I love working in a job where I get to watch God transform people and families, as they get involved in an orphan’s life.

In my personal life, God has been showing me how He is the Provider, Jehovah Jireh. If I obey Him and walk in His will, He will provide everything I need. Even in times of my poor planning, He provides. During our NJ Benefit Concert I needed to supply dinner for the “Green Room.” I thought one lasagna, salad, and bread would be plenty. When I walked into the area where the band was warming up, I immediately realized that the lasagna was not enough. These guys were huge, and there were 7 of them. Through a friend of mine God provided miraculously. Thirty minutes later, Deb brought 4 pizzas. Anyways, with the pizzas, lasagna, salad, and bread, the band ate, the BMH staff team ate…and there were leftovers! My takeaway, God provides! And He will provide for you too as you walk in His will and obey Him!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas Staff Photos

David, Beth, Becca, Patti, Peter, Christy, Kristen, Nate, Anna, and Perilla

Peter, Christy, Patti, David, Becca, Beth, Kristen, and Nate

Thank You

Thank you so much for praying for me during my visit in TN. It was a great visit. The sharing times went pretty well and provided me and Becca with the opportunity to share as leaders of BMH! Who knows what the outcome of our sharing will be, but I have confidence that the results are in God's hands. Whether someone will come to China or adopt or if we just planted doesn't matter. The goal of my life is to bring glory to God! Not to recruit a certain number of volunteers.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Tennessee to visit Grammy and Grandaddy

Beth, Becca, and I are headed off to TN to visit my Grammy and Grandaddy tomorrow. I am so excited! We have been wanting to make it out there ever since my Grammy moved into her new home. She was widowed over a year ago, and now has a new home...ready to host us girls (her home before was too small). So, for those of you who know Grammy, you know we are in for the time of our lives...

What is really cool about this trip too, is that Becca and I are going to share about BMH at Grammy's church and at Grandaddy's Sunday School class. I'm really kind of nervous, because this will be the first time that I am the all the other BMH trips I've been on, David or Nate have lead the sharing times, and I just add my story when appropriate. This will be my first time giving the intro into what BMH is in front of a large congregation. Becca will do most of the sharing at the Sunday school, but I just found out from Grandaddy that the Sunday school has 60 single and married young people in it. Yikes! Please pray for Becca, Beth and I as we present BMH.

Monday, November 19, 2007

More Pics from our NJ Tour

Chatting at our Benefit Show.
Jenny, Emmy and Me

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Best News Ever

Dong Li and Dong Ya's orphanage said, Yes! There are so many steps in the adoption process. And a huge one is that the orphanage must be willing to do the girls paperwork. The orphanage didn't file their paperwork before because they thought that no one would want 9-year-old twins. Now, we have to pray that the CCAA (the Chinese Adoption Affairs) will put the girls paperwork in A Helping Hands pile. If they do not put the girls paperwork in A Helping Hands pile, than the family that wants to adopt them, probably won't get them. The good news is, that becuase the orphanage is going to do their paperwork, for sure they will get adopted!!!

We're Back

David, Adam, and I made it back to sunny San Diego. We were pretty cold in NJ...but look at the colors in the trees. It was beautiful there. I never get to see the changing of the colors, unless I travel. While in NJ, we were able to share with so many people about Bring Me Hope. People warmly received us and were really interested in what BMH is doing. We even had one family say they feel called to adopt!!!

Kristen and I stayed at the Padden's house (you can see there daughter in the picture). We felt so loved and taken care of by their family. It was just like being at home. They have 5 girls and 2 boys too! They just adopted Eli, one of the kids that was in the preschool that David and I taught at PHF 4 years ago. I love to see children who were once orphans in a family. They are forever changed. Eli came home 8 weeks ago.

We had a benefit concert as the final event of our tour. The band, Unspoken came and did the music. I was able to speak with some of the band members while we were eating dinner. I was so blessed by how friendly they were and interested in what is going on with Bring Me Hope. The band was able to draw new people to the benefit that otherwise would not have heard about BMH. As a result, 10 people filled out "Go Cards" expressing interest in volunteering Summer 2008.

Now that I'm back home, I'm working on planning future tours, our winter retreat, and starting to think about Summer Camp 2008.

Friday, November 2, 2007

BMH Team goes to NJ

Tomorrow, David and I are headed to NJ to join Nate and Kristen (our beloved BMH staff) in a speaking tour around NJ and PA. Kristen is from PA. Her parents are hosting a house party for BMH so that we can share about China with their neighborhood and friends. Nate is from NJ and is organizing a giant benefit dessert and entertainment night on Saturday. I'll let you know how it goes...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

SD Benefit Dinner

On October 19,
we hosted a BMH benefit dinner in San Diego.
Most of our BMH stateside efforts during the year are focused on:
Recruiting Volunteers, Sharing about the Need for Adoption, and Raising Funds.-Beth (my taller-little sister) and Me getting ready for the dinner.-

-Me, Abby (my sister, of course) and Rose (a friend of mine who has volunteered in China).--Friends who came to the dinner, patiently waiting for the yummy Italian food.-
-Yong (a friend from my home church) and me laughing cuz of the evenings entertainment...a ventriloquest.-
-Kristen, a friend and co-worker, and me at the dinner-

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

California Fires

Last week was crazy for us and most of Southern Cal. We all, including our BMH office, had to evacuate for five days. Fortunately, our home and the office were saved, but others were not so lucky. We have friends, and have heard of others who lost their home. What is so amazing, is that our friends are truly joyful in their loss. Bill Bright said that he has never met a happy disobedient Christian. My friends, find their joy in obedience to our King. It is so inspiring to watch them as they sort through the ashes that once was their home, and be joyful in the fact that they get to go shopping for a whole new wardrobe. I wonder if I could have that same joy if my home had burned???

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A Helping Hand Said YES

A Helping Hand said yes. They are going to petition for Dong Li and Dong Ya's paperwork. There is still a long journey a head, but this is the first step to the twins having a family, and a Chr--tian one at that!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Dong Li and Dong Ya's Orphanage

A Family for Dong Li and Dong Ya

During my 6 weeks in China this year, I fell in love with two girls, Dong Li and Dong Ya (9-year-old twins). They captured my heart like no other children in China have. I don't know how to explain the love. I dropped them off at their orphanage, my heart broken because there is nothing I can do. I am not 30 and married. I would never qualify to adopt twins in China. Dong Li and Dong Ya's only hope is if another family fights for them; fights to have them has their children. Before I even left China, there was a family who wanted to adopt them. After an emotional journey, we found out that only families that do not have any children can adopt Chinese twins. We agonized and prayed. And it looks like just today we have found a family for them.

The family who wants to adopt them has already qualified for twins and they are already logged in with A Helping Hand. This saves a lot of time and gives them the assurance that they can adopt twins. To me, it looks great. But things always seem to happen. I want so desperately for Dong Li and Dong Ya to have a family who loves them.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Christy Joins Bring Me Hope's Staff Team

At fifteen, my only dream was to be married and to have children. I had no desire to go overseas or get involved with a mercy ministry working with orphans.

Rosalind Goforth (a missionary in the 1900s) wrote, “I have often praised God for denying my prayer; for had He granted it I could never have come to China.” As I read these words, it was as if they were written just for me. Had God answered my prayers for an early marriage and family, a passion for China and Her children would have never been born in my heart. This summer, that passion led me to take a more committed step – a one-year commitment of working at The Coconut (Bring Me Hope’s stateside office).

This year I will be:

  • Planning Summer Camp 2008- This is what Bring Me Hope (BMH) is all about. Each summer, we host a camp where orphans, Chinese college students, and American/Australian volunteers come together for 5 days full of fun and love. This summer three of our college students made a decision to follow Christ. It is amazing to watch how God uses social ministry to spark an interest with the Chinese people.
  • Traveling to Locations in the US and Australia to spread awareness about Chinese children and to raise funds for BMH. Every child deserves a chance for Jesus and a family. In the past month, I have been thrilled to help in the adoption process of Maggie and Ginger, twins from the 2007 Summer Camp.
  • Working Closely with David (my brother) to assist him as he directs BMH.
Would you prayerfully consider joining my support team?