Wednesday, October 31, 2007

SD Benefit Dinner

On October 19,
we hosted a BMH benefit dinner in San Diego.
Most of our BMH stateside efforts during the year are focused on:
Recruiting Volunteers, Sharing about the Need for Adoption, and Raising Funds.-Beth (my taller-little sister) and Me getting ready for the dinner.-

-Me, Abby (my sister, of course) and Rose (a friend of mine who has volunteered in China).--Friends who came to the dinner, patiently waiting for the yummy Italian food.-
-Yong (a friend from my home church) and me laughing cuz of the evenings entertainment...a ventriloquest.-
-Kristen, a friend and co-worker, and me at the dinner-

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

California Fires

Last week was crazy for us and most of Southern Cal. We all, including our BMH office, had to evacuate for five days. Fortunately, our home and the office were saved, but others were not so lucky. We have friends, and have heard of others who lost their home. What is so amazing, is that our friends are truly joyful in their loss. Bill Bright said that he has never met a happy disobedient Christian. My friends, find their joy in obedience to our King. It is so inspiring to watch them as they sort through the ashes that once was their home, and be joyful in the fact that they get to go shopping for a whole new wardrobe. I wonder if I could have that same joy if my home had burned???

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A Helping Hand Said YES

A Helping Hand said yes. They are going to petition for Dong Li and Dong Ya's paperwork. There is still a long journey a head, but this is the first step to the twins having a family, and a Chr--tian one at that!