Friday, September 28, 2007

Dong Li and Dong Ya's Orphanage

A Family for Dong Li and Dong Ya

During my 6 weeks in China this year, I fell in love with two girls, Dong Li and Dong Ya (9-year-old twins). They captured my heart like no other children in China have. I don't know how to explain the love. I dropped them off at their orphanage, my heart broken because there is nothing I can do. I am not 30 and married. I would never qualify to adopt twins in China. Dong Li and Dong Ya's only hope is if another family fights for them; fights to have them has their children. Before I even left China, there was a family who wanted to adopt them. After an emotional journey, we found out that only families that do not have any children can adopt Chinese twins. We agonized and prayed. And it looks like just today we have found a family for them.

The family who wants to adopt them has already qualified for twins and they are already logged in with A Helping Hand. This saves a lot of time and gives them the assurance that they can adopt twins. To me, it looks great. But things always seem to happen. I want so desperately for Dong Li and Dong Ya to have a family who loves them.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Christy Joins Bring Me Hope's Staff Team

At fifteen, my only dream was to be married and to have children. I had no desire to go overseas or get involved with a mercy ministry working with orphans.

Rosalind Goforth (a missionary in the 1900s) wrote, “I have often praised God for denying my prayer; for had He granted it I could never have come to China.” As I read these words, it was as if they were written just for me. Had God answered my prayers for an early marriage and family, a passion for China and Her children would have never been born in my heart. This summer, that passion led me to take a more committed step – a one-year commitment of working at The Coconut (Bring Me Hope’s stateside office).

This year I will be:

  • Planning Summer Camp 2008- This is what Bring Me Hope (BMH) is all about. Each summer, we host a camp where orphans, Chinese college students, and American/Australian volunteers come together for 5 days full of fun and love. This summer three of our college students made a decision to follow Christ. It is amazing to watch how God uses social ministry to spark an interest with the Chinese people.
  • Traveling to Locations in the US and Australia to spread awareness about Chinese children and to raise funds for BMH. Every child deserves a chance for Jesus and a family. In the past month, I have been thrilled to help in the adoption process of Maggie and Ginger, twins from the 2007 Summer Camp.
  • Working Closely with David (my brother) to assist him as he directs BMH.
Would you prayerfully consider joining my support team?